I have decided to include some material that I intend to later post in Part 7 Sub Part 3 of "1979" / 1979westbrook.com here in this Kern River Memorial Day weekend portion of Part 3 Sub Part 6. -- Part 7 Sub Part 3 of "1979" / 1979westbrook.com covers that period of time in my life and the tumultuous national and world events that took place during that seven-month long time period from mid-February through September 10, 1977.

1977, the year of U-2 pilot Powers' death at the height of revelations in the press and media about CIA 'mind control' activities -- is also about mid-way between the May 26, 1973 Presidential 'chopper' crash death of U.S. Secret Service Agent Joseph Dietrich in what was then the British Bahamas and the deaths of U.S. Secret Service Agents Robinson, LaBarge and Bejcek on closed deserted road near Yosemite, whilst on special assignment to the British Queen and Prince Philip's security detail on March 5, 1983.

"The British House of Lords voted to give the Bahamas its independence on 22 June1973. Prince Charles delivered the official documents to Prime Minister Lynden Pindling, officially declaring the Bahamas a fully independent nation on 10 July1973. It joined the Commonwealth of Nations on the same day."

Judging by all the weird, violent and bloody events that took place there at the Kern River during my Memorial Day Weekend there from May 25th through May 27th 1973 -- I can only conclude that I was most likely covertly drugged and interrogated there without my knowledge as well.

Hell, I took a half-dozen or so 'Pink Lady' barbiturates on both the nights that I slept there under the stars, and smoked 'joints' there all day long as well. -- It wouldn't have been to hard to sneak me off to a cabin or mobile home nearby to dose me with Sodium Pentathol, interrogate me and then return me to the campsite.

Janet my 'girl' and the four other girls I came with were apparently chummy with the cops from five counties who 'grilled' me in the aftermath of the riot these girls successfully instigated and which I tried to stop with any sucess.

The bizarre circumstances and events during my turn at the wheel, on the drive home from the Kern River back L.A. and Azusa on the evening May 27, 1973 clearly indicates that the girls were 'pawns' in the elaborately contrived machinations during this drive, presumably at the behest of elements of the CIA, FBI which then had me under close surveillance.

I contend that the Kern River riot was most likely pre-arranged and scripted to take place the way that it did in order to get me to an isolated campsite there on the Kern River where virtually nobody was around, except for Janet and the four other girls I came there, and as I contend they were all police and FBI-CIA informants and thus there would have been no curiuous campers or Memorial holiday revellers to witness what was going on.

It became quite apparent to me only days after my return to Azusa on May 27, 1973 -- that the Kern River Memorial Day weekend was a scam to perform the covert use of drugs and covert CIA interrogation on me.

What's more the druggings and covert interrogations that I contend I was subjected to during that May '73 Memorial holiday weekend was a repeat of the druggings and covert interrogations that I was subjected to then only six-months before in late November and early December 1972.

This was when a man who identified himself as the nephew of Watergate figure and DIA agent Charles Colson and his two medical student protoge's, moved in the house in Covina that I then rented a room at just after Thanksgiving weekend Novemeber 27th and then moved out only a week or so later, only days before the United Airlines Flight 553 crash near Midway Airport on December 8, 1972.

The United flight 553 is commonly referred to as the Watergate Plane crash as the cyanide laced body of the wife of ex-CIA agent Watergate Burglar E. Howard Hunt was reportedly pulled from that plane crash, along with a U.S. Congressman and TV reporter for CBS News and other noteworthy plane crash victims.

You may or possibly may not wish to read more about these events in November and December 1972, there in the reasearch material and partially completed drafts I have included there in Part 3 Sub Part 5 of "1979" / 1979westbrook.com.



















Click on the image link below to read about the circumstances and events described in Part 3 Sub Part 5 of "1979"/1979westbrook.com